Run Sidekiq as a standalone server
When you are in Rails world you might have heard about sidekiq. If not, please go through this As a gist sidekiq is a background processing library based on the Redis server. Along with background processing, it provides an app nothing but a sidekiq dashboard which exactly looks below.
It is a rack-based application. To use this application inside Rails you need to mount an app as follows:
require 'sidekiq/web'mount Sidekiq::Web => '/sidekiq'
As a best practice, we never mount the sidekiq dashboard on production. But recently we faced issues with our sidekiq process. But we couldn’t able figure out what went wrong on the production server neither we can enable the sidekiq dashboard for security reasons. After long brainstorming, We ran the sidekiq app on the local system but connected to a remote Redis server. So we can monitor the sidekiq process from my local system. Here is the way to run the sidekiq app as a standalone app:
Here I am connecting sidekiq with my local Redis server since I can’t reveal the production server URL :)
I hope this tip might help in debugging production issues from your local system.
Thanks for your reading. Any suggestions would be welcome.